The Whale House - Sharon Millar
TT$115.00Where there are Monsters - Breanne Mc Ivor
TT$115.00When I Dare to be Powerful - Audre Lorde
TT$90.00The Water Dancer - A Novel - Ta-Nehesi Coates
TT$150.00Women - The NG Image Collection - National Geographic Adult
TT$415.00Caste - The Origins of our Discsontents - Isabel Wilkerson
TT$275.00His Truth is Marching On-John Lewis and the Power of Hope - Jon Meacham
TT$260.00We are our Brains - A Neurobiography of the Brain, from the Womb to Alzheimer’s - D.F. Swaab
TT$195.00Transcendent Kingdom - Yaa Gyasi
TT$112.00They came before Columbus - The African Presence in Ancient America - Ivan Van Sertima
TT$178.50Island People - The Caribbean and the World - Joshua Jelly-Scharipo
TT$145.00Empire of Cotton - A Global History - Sven Beckert